How to Get Started in Bushcraft: 3 Ways

I know how hard it was to get started with bushcraft, the resources were short and minimal, and no books were available to beginners. This is why I decided to write a guide on how to get started in bushcraft, so I can help others enjoy their time outdoors more easily. 

Bushcraft, among others, will help us keep in touch with our roots. It will let us know where the food we eat comes from, and make us respect the environment. After 20 years in the army and a whole blog written about bushcraft, I think it is time to tackle this basic question. 

Bushcraft is a great way to get outdoors and experience nature in a different way. It can be an incredibly rewarding experience and can take you away from everyday life. Whether you want to learn how to build a shelter, cook over an open fire, or identify edible plants, getting started in bushcraft is easy. 

All you need is the right gear and knowledge of some basic bushcraft skills. With this guide, you’ll learn how to get started in bushcraft and all the essentials and tips you need for your first trip into the wild.

Where Do I Start With Bushcraft? 5 Steps

Bushcraft is an outdoor activity that combines knowledge, skills, and tools to survive in the wilderness. If you’re interested in learning bushcraft, there are a few things you need to know before getting started. From selecting the right gear to understanding basic safety guidelines on how to bushcraft and how to get into bushcraft, this guide will help you get off on the right foot. 

1. Learn

If you are interested in learning bushcraft, the first step is to understand the basics of what it is and how it works. This may sound like a process to most, but the basics are easy to grasp and natural. 

This article will provide an overview of the steps that you need to take in order to get started with bushcraft, but you will need to cover the basics like knowing what is bushcraft and its principles. Therefore, start learning and researching first. 

2. Prepare

You need to research the environment where you will be going and ensure that you have all the necessary supplies. Know what tools and skills you will need and acquire them. In other words, preparation is just like learning, but you will need all the skills.

Go into your backyard and try to build a fire and then a shelter. If you don’t have a possibility to prepare, take a bushcraft course or school. Most people will ask now: where can I go or how to afford Jack Mountain Bushcraft School? 

Try things such as scholarships, fundraising, and budgeting. With a bit of dedication and hard work, you can make your dream come true. 

3. Gear

Only once you know what you are looking for (or covered learning and preparation) should you purchase gear. Don’t purchase kits too early, all you need as your basics is a survival knife and fire-building tools. All in all, first research, and only then buying. Or else your kit might go to waste and might not fit your needs. 

4. Train

Then, you can start to build your skill set and gain knowledge on the subject. You should also make sure that you have enough knowledge about survival techniques such as fire-building or shelter-building before embarking on your journey. Train at home and prepare before the real deal. 

5. Go outside

Lastly, it is important to have a good attitude and an open mind when starting with bushcraft, it will help ensure your safety as well as your enjoyment of the experience. It all comes down to this moment, but if you are still not comfortable, try these options before going out to bushcraft and learning how to get started in bushcraft: 

Gear For Getting Started In Bushcraft

What to do first bushcraft-wise or where to begin with bushcraft? From knives and axes to tents and sleeping bags, there’s a wide range of equipment available for anyone wanting to get into bushcraft. 

In this article, we will discuss the essential items you need to get started in bushcraft. We will also look at some tips on how to choose the right gear for your needs so that you can have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Fire-Starting Tools 

When practicing bushcraft in a natural environment without any tools but your own body and possibly a knife, fire starting becomes critical. The fire-starting methods can be divided into four categories: fire by friction, ignition by shock, fire from friction, and chemical means. 

The most common methods of starting a fire are either the use of flint and steel or matches. Modern survivalists sometimes rely on lighters or lighter fluid as a source of ignition in case matches are not available.

Friction fires use a material that is easily combustible to create heat which will ignite material more difficult to light like twigs and leaves. A number of ways exist for producing this kind of spark including using a bow drill. In the end, you will need a fire-starting tool or kit when heading out into bushcraft. 


When it comes to bushcraft, one of the most important pieces of gear you need is a knife. A good knife can be used for all sorts of tasks, from splitting wood to cutting rope and even preparing food. 

Investing in a quality knife will ensure that you have a reliable tool that can last you for years. When choosing a bushcraft knife, there are several factors to consider such as blade material, handle material, and blade shape. Knowing what to look for will help you make an informed decision when selecting the right knife for your needs.

So what is the best bushcraft knife? For any beginner bushcrafter, a reliable and versatile knife is an essential tool. A good bushcraft knife should be able to handle a variety of tasks such as skinning, carving, splitting wood, and more. It should also be comfortable to use and easy to maintain. 

Axe And Saw

An axe and saw are two essential tools for any bushcraft enthusiast. An axe is an invaluable tool for chopping firewood, making kindling, and clearing brush. A saw is perfect for cutting logs into planks or branches into sections for shelter construction or firewood splitting. 

For beginner bushcrafters, an axe or saw can be a great tool to have in their arsenal. An axe is a versatile tool that can be used for chopping and splitting wood, while a saw is more suited to cutting and shaping wood. 

Both tools have their advantages and disadvantages depending on the type of bushcrafting you are doing. While an axe may be more suitable for larger jobs, a saw may be better for smaller jobs or precision work.

Clothes And Footwear

For beginners, it is important to choose the right clothes and footwear for bushcrafting. The right clothes can keep you warm and dry, while the right footwear will ensure your feet stay comfortable during long hikes. 


Cordage is one of the most important tools for anyone looking to  begin bushcraft, and it can be used in a variety of ways. From making shelters and traps to creating tools, cordage is an essential part of any bushcraft kit. 

For beginners, learning the basics of cordage is a great way to get started in the world of bushcraft. In this article, we will explore some tips and techniques that beginner bush crafters can use to become proficient with cordage. 

Water Purification

One of the most important pieces of equipment in how to start bushcraft is a water purification system. Having a reliable water purification system can help you stay safe and hydrated while out in the wild. There are many different types of water purification systems available, be it a canteen or a chemical water filter. 

How To Get Started In Bushcraft FAQs

Now let us talk about how to get started on bushcraft by answering numerous questions you might have. 

What Do I Need To Start Bushcraft?

To start bushcraft, you will need a knife, a fire starter, shelter-building materials, and water purification supplies. If you are interested in starting bushcraft, there are a few essential items you need to get started. With these items, you will be able to start your bushcraft journey with confidence and safety.

But before you head out, there are a few things you should know. In the wild, it is wise to rely on your knowledge of natural materials and how they respond to changes in the weather. When it comes to fire, your success depends on how much tinder you have and how dry the wood is. 

Water can become a life-saving resource when temperatures drop or there is an ongoing drought; however, do not risk using contaminated water or running out of potable water when trying to find resources in an area where clean water may be scarce. If you want to have more intermediate gear, here is a full list of survival gear

How To Afford Jack Mountain Bushcraft School?

How Hard Is It To Bushcraft?

Bushcraft is relatively hard for total beginners, but still, the basics are easy to learn. Bushcrafting can be a challenging yet rewarding activity. From gathering materials to making tools and shelters, it requires a wide range of skills and knowledge. 

It is also important to have the right mindset as bushcrafting often involves dealing with the elements and unexpected situations. However, with patience and practice, anyone can learn how to bushcraft successfully.

Can You Survive In The Wilderness With Just A Knife?

Surviving in the wilderness with just a knife is possible, but it is a daunting task. However, with the right knowledge and skills, it is possible to survive in the wild with only a knife as your tool. Truth be told, if you are a total beginner it will be a hard task. 

With proper planning and preparation, you can use your knife to build shelter, make fire, hunt for food, and even create tools for more complex tasks. A knife will not help you purify water or make food. With the right mindset and understanding of what you need to do in order to survive, you can make it through any situation with just a knife.

Do You Need An Axe For Bushcraft?

In most cases, an axe is crucial for bushcraft and you will need one. An axe is one of the most important tools for bushcraft, as it can help you chop wood, build shelters, and even prepare food. Whether you need an axe for bushcraft depends on what kind of activities you plan to do. 

If you want to build a shelter or cook over an open fire, then an axe is essential. However, if your activities are more focused on navigation and wilderness survival skills, then an axe may not be necessary. You can always use a hatchet or saw, instead of an axe. 


In the end, don’t forget that every beginner bushcraft needs to do thought research on where they are going and learn the basic skills, try them at home, and only then can they go into the wild. In other words, you will need training and learning before using your skills. 

This amazing pastime requires a certain level of knowledge and skill, but with the right guidance, anyone can get started in bushcraft. In this article, we have discussed some of the basics of bushcraft and provided some tips on how to get started. 

With these tips in mind, you should be well on your way to becoming a bushcrafter in no time. Therefore, it is time to do some research, gather knowledge, and try out those primal skills now. As you might see so far, learning how to get started in bushcraft is easy if you’re motivated.

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